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Physical methods in inorganic chemistry

Physical methods in inorganic chemistry - Universitas Studiorum

Electronic structure of inorganic and coordination compounds

di Franca Morazzoni

86 pp.; Euro 20,00

ISBN 9788833690346 

Prof. Franca Morazzoni, PhD in Chemistry at the University of Milano, became Associated Professor and then Full Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Milano-Bicocca. She founded the group of hybrid nano-materials at the Department of Material Science in 2001. As an expert of physical methods in inorganic chemistry applied to hybrid materials, she published more than 250 papers in international journals. She was responsible of several national research projects in the field, participated to the development of inorganic nanofillers with controlled shape, to be included in tires, in collaboration with Pirelli Tyre. Several patents were signed on this topic. She was vice chair of the HINT COST action (2012-2016) on the organic-inorganic hybrid interface. Prof. Morazzoni has supervised several PhD students and until 2015 was director of the PhD School of the University of Milano-Bicocca.


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